Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Graduate Attributes

Graduate attributes are skills and attitudes that a student develops in their time at an institution such as university. In this section, I will be discussing the attributes  feel that I have improved, and which I feel I could develop further.

Assertiveness: When studying a management degree, it is important to know importance of managing people effectively in order to get the highest levels of productivity. I believe I am a fairly assertive person, however, I sometimes need to learn to manage this and know how and when to use it. To do this, I applied for a supervisor position in the Devonshire Spa so that I could improve this as well as an array of other skills, such as problem solving and leadership. After being successful in my application, I found myself using tips that I had picked up from colleagues, as well as using my own knowledge on how to work with and lead a team.

Networking: Networking has always been a struggle for me. This year I made a conscious effort to involve myself more in the Buxton Spa and Wellness Conference, in order to build my confidence. To do this I made sure that I spoke to some of the visiting professionals, such as employees from Caudalie.

Industry networking day was not as successful as I had hoped. This was due to the fact that there were not many companies there that I was too interested in as I was looking for more international opportunities. When reflecting on this, I feel as though I could have gone to speak to more of the representatives in practice for the future. However, I did speak to the representative from Nielson holidays, who I had also spoken to at the conference. I found this to be very helpful in learning how to approach people in a professional manner.

Commercial Awareness: This is a skill that I feel I have improved a lot in the past few years. I am always curious as to how a business works and how it can be improved in order to get the most out of its product or service. This year I have been working in the Devonshire spa, and I have also been working as a bartender in a local bar. Having the two jobs has allowed me to see how two completely different businesses work and what steps each need to do in order to continue improving.
By being in a supervisor role, I have given myself the opportunity to work more closely with guests and hear their suggestions after their visits, as well as be in a position to act on them.

Professional Development: This year I feel much more confident in my professional development. For example, as talked about previously, I made sure to get more involved in the Spa and Wellness Conference. I also put myself forward to be a university representative at Professional Beauty in London. Unfortunately I was not successful in my application, but the initial application was a confidence booster for me, as last year I would not have thought I had enough experience or knowledge to be involved.

Problem Solving: My problem solving skills have improved this year due to my new role in the spa. I have had to deal with situations such as staff sickness, lateness and guests arriving when they were not on the booking system. All of these events require quick thinking and initiative so that other problems do not arise in the process. This includes calling in therapists to cover, moving around columns as best I can so that treatments do not have to be cancelled or moved and finding space for guests not previously booked in and offering discount or goody bags for the inconvenience.

Team Working: All previous jobs I have been in have involved working in a team, whether its a restaurant team or a retail team. When working in a team, it is important to not just stick to your own jobs, but to make people aware that you are there to help them too if they need it. However, this is not to say that people should delegate their own jobs to other people. It is extremely important to pull your own weight in order to get all jobs done efficiently. As a supervisor I have been able to delegate tasks effectively to my team as well as get involved myself with jobs around the spa, and then focussing on other tasks such as cashing up and making sure the administration jobs are completed by the end of the shift. Team working is essential in every level of a business in order for it to run smoothly throughout, this includes communication through every level.

Leadership: Leadership is a skill that i find comes quite naturally to me. However, along with assertiveness, I am constantly learning how to hone it and use it to my advantage at all times. I am constantly using my leadership skills when down in spa, either as a therapist or a supervisor, this could be either through helping first years or new weekend team to get to grips with certain products or treatments, or helping to expand their knowledge on ow reception works e.g. making bookings, taking payments etc.

Confidence Building: My confidence is something that I have always had to work on. I have never been someone who believes in themselves, therefore missing out on certain opportunities, such as not applying for a supervisory position earlier in the year when I know now that I probably would have thrived in the position. This year however, I have definitely found that I have been able to build my confidence in different ways, including getting more involved in lectures, and pushing myself in both of my work environments.

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